Red Clover
Four farmers, who are working with ADAS in an Innovative Farmers field lab, have found grazing ewes on herbal leys containing the legume can even have a positive effect on pregnancy rates.
Journal of Insect Conservation
Concerns over the increasing cost and environmental impact of high inorganic nitrogen (N) inputs have led to a reappraisal of the role of legumes, particularly clover, in maintaining soil fertility…
Silvopasture planting
Silvopasture is a form of agroforestry where trees are deliberately planted to be part of a farms livestock system. Three tree planting designs are being trialled as part of a field lab investigating…
Shelter belt design
What is silvopasture? Silvopasture is a form of agroforestry where trees are deliberately planted to be part of a farms livestock system. Three tree planting designs are being trialled as part of a…
Silvopasture planting
Silvopasture is a form of agroforestry where trees are deliberately planted to be part of a farms livestock system. Three tree planting designs are being trialled as part of a field lab investigating…
Soil Carbon Graphic
Increasing the amount of C stored in soil is beneficial from a climate change mitigation perspective.
New Scientist Natural Capital article
The founder and chairman of Environment Bank, Professor David Hill, recently sat down with New Scientist to discuss the future of farming and food. The interview explores how changing approaches to…
Performance and Productivity
Analysis of Farm Business Survey
Agricultural marketing, according to Thomsen, encompasses all activities and organizations engaged in the flow of farm-produced goods, raw materials, and derivatives, such as textiles, from farms to…
Effect of increasing machinery size on machinery costs
Putting together an ideal machinery system is not easy. Equipment that works best one year may not work well the next because of changes in weather conditions or crop production practices.…