Book cover
Open access text book comprehensively reviewing advances in potassium science and potash fertilizer . Murrell, T.S., Mikkelsen, R., Sulewski, G., Norton, R., Thompson, M. (2020) Improving Potassium…
Front Cover of Resource Guide
This comprehensive guide to digital agriculture will equip readers with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully navigate the world of modern farming.
Four Pillars for progress
Poster paper given at IFS 2022 by Daniel Kindred, Roger Sylvester-Bradley, Pete Berry and colleagues. Conventional routes to generating knowledge of ‘what works’ in agriculture have relied on (i)…
IPM Decisions
On the 27st March the IPM Decisions platform was updated with even more Decision Support Systems (DSS) for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The platform now has 26 DSS integrated in the platform and…
Black grass weed growing in a field
Crop modelling is a useful tool in agriculture to improve our understanding how a crop grows in interaction with all external factors, including environmental interactions and the crop management…
Report cover
Report from European Environment Agency giving over of the metrics, challenges and plans for measuring soil health across Europe.  
Cover of RB209
The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) helps you make the most of organic materials and balance the benefits of fertiliser use against the costs – both economic and environmental.
Barley Growth Guide
This guide aims to support understanding and enhancement of barley production through explaining crop progress, structure and final performance and setting benchmarks for each stage and process in a…
YEN Logo
Roger Sylvester-Bradley      Tuesday 31st January 2023   It’s news across the world – the biggest wheat crop ever grown, yielding 18 tonnes of grain per hectare! This is fantastic, and laudable in…
Trial plan
As part of the AICC Crop Nutrition Club 2022, this simple on-farm winter wheat trial in Nottinghamshire tested the yield effect of reducing N rate from the 'farm standard' of 220 kg/ha to 170 kg/ha.…