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A wide range of EU funded projects and networks contribute to the knowledge landscape in agriculture.

Relevant recent and current EU projects on knowledge sharing & innovation:

  • Euraknos / Eureka / EU FarmBook  - Sharing practical agriculture knowledge generated by EU Horizon projects
  • Ask-Valerie  - platform enabling search of agricultural knowledge with case studies & practice abstracts (finished 2019)
  • Smart-AKIS - Network of Smart Farming technologies (finished 2020)
  • Fairshare - Digital tools and services for farm advisors
  • LIAISON -  Supporting interactive innovation in agriculture
  • NEFERTITI - Network of Demonstration farms
  • i2connect - Connecting and supporting farm advisors
  • SmartAgrihubs - Digitial Innovation Hubs and portal connecting digital innovation centres and technologies
  • ICT-AgriFood - ICT Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems


EU Projects on specific areas

  • IPM Decisions - Platform to connect Decision Support Tools for Integrated Pest Management
  • IPM Works - Networks promoting IPM practices
  • Super-G  - Supporting sustainable permanent grassland
  • AdvisoryNetPest - Advisory network supporting the reduced use and risks of pesticides

Intereg Projects


EIP-Agri Focus Groups and Thematic Networks





Related Organisations

Connected Content

Farm-PEP aims to bring together all the sources of useful knowledge for Agriculture, whether from academic science, applied research projects, industry trials, farmers own trials or simple on-farm experience. Listed below are useful websites, organisations and websites that we know of.  Add any we've missed in the comments box or by adding as new content, or better still, as a new Group.  

An EU-wide network to support and promote solutions for alternative weed control.  

Funding available for research and knowledge exchange in the UK comes from a mix of public, industry and charitable sources

Mitecontrol is a European research project to develop effective and sustainable treatment approaches to control PRM infestation using an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.

Agricultural research is conducted by a range of organisations, from individual farmers, through advisors, distributors, manufacturers, charities, societies, supply chain companies, levy bodies, universities and research institutes.  This page aims to connect across these often disparate sources.

The IPM Decisions project will create an online platform that is easy to use for the monitoring and management of pests. Access the platform now at Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union Under grant agreement No 817617

FarmPEP aims to connect the many networks, communities and groups across Agriculture. Add your network as a Group and connect to the 'Networks' Topic to have your network show up below. 

A range of digital technologies promise to transform agriculture, including sensing, robotics, artificial intelligence, wireless networks & IoT, big data, decision support tools, modelling, digital twins and precision farming. 

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.

An EU-Wide Farm Network Demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM Strategies.

The INNO-VEG project aims to increase the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors by: Defining and implementing a new approach for delivering cost-effective research. Establishing a cross border innovation network which will create the framework conditions for innovation to facilitate uptake of the new approach.

Following the TRUE and LegValue EU projects this LinkedIn group with over 100 members continues to share resources for those interested in legume crops,

Focus Group from experts across 15 European countries discussing the development and adoption of digital tools to support nutrient management.

The overarching aim of FAIRshare is to ensure that farm advisors and their organisations effectively use digital tools and services for supporting a more productive and sustainable agriculture.

Innovative Farmers, as part of their involvement in the Horizon Europe LEGUMINOSE project we will be setting up trials with Reading University to look at the benefits of intercropping in arable rotations.

Cofund on Sustainable Crop Production from EU ERA-NET programme

FABulous Farmers is a European project supporting farmers in the transition to more agroecological practices on their farms. Soil Association are delivering activity in 3 UK pilot regions – South West England, West Midlands and Wales, with the National Trust leading activity in the East England. The project aims to reduce reliance on external inputs, like chemical fertilisers and pesticides, by encouraging the use of methods and interventions that increase the farm’s Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB). These are targeted measures of biodiversity in and around the field to improve pollination, pest management, soil and water quality on the farmland.

The SUPER-G project is a European wide project aiming to work with farmers and policy makers to develop sustainable & effective permanent grassland systems.

Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake Through demonstration (NEFERTITI) - a unique 7 M€ Network (selected under Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 2, RUR 12-2017 call) comprising 32 partners and coordinated by ACTA, the head of Network of the French Agricultural Technical Institutes.

EU FarmBook is a collection of vetted best practices for farmers & foresters. All content in the library is provided by Horizon research projects. 

Scientia potentia est: knowledge is power. But understanding empowers. The purpose of the Legume Hub is to empower all interested in the development of legume crop production and use by providing access to validated knowledge. It is a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge and successful practices across value chains, from plant breeding, on-farm activities, through to processing and consumption.

Currently, the farming sector faces a hard challenge: increasing land productivity in a sustainable way. Over the past decades, however, agri-food specialisation has often compromised the presence of soil nutrients. To reverse this trend, the fertiliser industry must supply renewable nutrients: this is possible only by improving the relationships between the farming sector and the bio-based industries.

Exchange knowledge, enhance organic farming.  Organic Farm Knowledge is a web platform dedicated to sharing practices on organic farming.

This project investigated how to reduce ammonia emissions from broiler houses using commercially available additives. 

An active network dedicated to finding innovative solutions for antibiotic resistance

Identifying and increasing sustainable practices along the supply and production chains of European livestock.