As pioneers in UK precision farming since 1993 we know the difference between sustainable improvements to crop production and the latest trends. Our early commitment to the principle of applying inputs at the right rate and in the right place led the way for 20 years of scientific innovation. Today, SOYL still leads the way and our commercial services are backed by the UK’s largest precision farming specific research and development programme.

The team at SOYL constantly strives to push the boundaries of yield, quality and profit margins for their farmer customers through the use of precision farming techniques.
Services that deliver, backed by reliable research and development are important to our customers but our vital point of difference is our team of more than 20 local area managers. These local advisors are backed by a friendly and efficient support team, bringing the total number of experts at our customers’ disposal to nearly 100. Calls are taken 24 hours per day, seven days a week and our Technical Support team will assist with a wide range of GPS application equipment.

Working with SOYL gives growers access to a wide range of services, unparalleled experience and our commitment to develop a precision farming system that ensures sustainable production.

SOYL is a division of Frontier Agriculture, the UK’s leading crop production and grain marketing business. Frontier is recognised for its close customer relationships with farmers and grain consumers and its successful management of the whole arable supply chain. Frontier is a 50% joint venture between Associated British Foods and Cargill plc and operates across the UK from 43 sites employing more than 900 people in the business, which is unique in providing advice on all aspects of arable crop production.

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The standard way to measure and monitor soils has been through soils samples taken to 15-30cm in representative W patterns. A range of technologies are now available commercially and in development to provide higher resolution data across a wider range of metrics. This page provides a space to share and discuss the available and coming tools, services and technologies.

The agri-tech sector is vibrant and growing, with many exciting companies, organisations and networks are working to develop agri-tech solutions.

Roger Sylvester-Bradley      Tuesday 31st January 2023   It’s news across the world – the biggest wheat crop ever grown, yielding 18 tonnes of grain per hectare! This is fantastic, and laudable in all respects, but it’s no accident.    

A range of digital technologies promise to transform agriculture, including sensing, robotics, artificial intelligence, wireless networks & IoT, big data, decision support tools, modelling, digital twins and precision farming. 

Some of the commercially available digital tools & software include: Fieldview - Bayer Granular - Corteva Xarvio - BASF John Deere Operations Centre Omnia Agleader SMS Breedr Fieldmargin Yagro Geopard AgAnalytics Data Baler Agrible Habiterre Combyne MyFarms CropTrak Trinity Agtech - Sandy AgTools Agricircle   Join this page to add and edit  

Many technologies now exist to monitor land at a range from scales, from hand-held sensors and simple cameras, through tractor mounted sensors, drones, aeroplanes through to satellites.

Precision farming involves the use of GPS, sensing and control technologies to use spatial data to manage soils, crops and livestock. 

Frontier Agriculture is the UK's leading crop production and grain marketing business, recognised for its close customer relationships with farmers and grain consumers and its successful management of the arable supply chain.

Routine topsoil samples should be taken from all fields for analysis of pH, P, K and Mg every 3-5 years. Accurate information on soil nutrient Indices and soil pH is essential for nutrient management planning. Various approaches and services are now available for in field mapping of soil nutrient availability. 

Crop canopy sensing – your virtual farm walk?

YEN      Friday 3rd January 2023   Russ McKenzie awarded YEN's Innovator of the Year in 2022 at the 10th Anniversary YEN Conference.

Sarah Clarke      Friday 3rd January 2023   Excellent grain quality as well as high yields were celebrated at the YEN 10th Anniversary Conference, with the Milling Quality Awards sponsored by UK Flour Millers. All UK Group 1 milling wheat entries were eligible for this competition, a total of 20 for 2022.