
Sheep were one of the first farmed animals, reared for thousands of years for meat and milk.

The stratified sheep system is unique to the UK, and is perfectly designed to play on the strengths of different breeds and the environments and habitats of the country. The UK is made up of a huge range of terrains and landscapes, playing host to approximately 90 different sheep breeds and crosses. Click here to find out more about different sheep breeds in the UK. While not every sheep farm in the UK is involved in the stratified system, operating a ‘closed flock’ instead (one that has little or not exchange of breeding animals with other farms), the stratified system is widespread and very important. Of those farms involved in the stratified system, there will be considerable variation - some only being involved in one tier, other in two, and a small number having all three tiers within their business

The three tiers are hill, upland and lowland. Some sheep will stay on the same farm, or at least in the same tier, for their whole lives, while others are moved down the system. This system is crucial in keeping the UK sheep industry productive and efficient, and a collapse of any area would change the entire face of the industry.


Typical breeds: Welsh Mountain (several types), Swaledale, Scottish Blackface, Cheviots, Rough Fell, Dalesbred, Derbyshire Gritstone, Herdwick.

Traits: Hardy, thick-coated, able-bodied, excellent mothers, adapted to living in the harsh hill conditions.

Purpose: Pure-bred breeding stock. Surplus female lambs and wether lambs (castrated male) are sold as stores to upland/lowland farms to be fattened. Older ewes that have lambed several times are transferred to the milder climates of lower areas and crossed with longwool breeds to produce Mules and half-breds.

Where to find them: Mountain and hill areas that have harsh climates, a short grass-growing season, relatively poor quality of soil and long winters.


Typical breeds: Female hill breeds mated with breeds such as Bluefaced Leicester, Border Leicester, Teeswater, Wensleydale, Devon & Cornwall Longwool.

Traits: More prolific than hill breeds, and do better on the lower, easier terrain. Mules inherit mothering abilities of hill relatives and prolificacy of upland relatives.

Purpose: Older ewes’ drafter from the hills can continue to breed in the easier conditions and are mated with longwool upland breeds to produce Mule lambs. Female Mule lambs are transferred to lowland farms for breeding. They are crossed with a lowland/terminal sire breed. Male lambs are reared for meat production, either here in the uplands or on a lowland farm.

Where to find them: Where conditions are less harsh than in the hills, but land and soil is still not very productive


Typical breeds: Texel, Suffolk. Charollais, Clun Forest, Romney, Oxford/Hampshire/Dorset Down.

Traits: Grow fast, have a heavier frame, more prolific.

Purpose: Mule ewes are mated to a lowland terminal sire breed to produce crossbred lambs. Most lambs are reared for meat production but some may be kept for replacements. The easier terrain and conditions, better grass growth and larger frame inherited from the terminal sire, mean these lambs grow faster and produce more meat in less time. Slower growing lambs join the store lambs that have arrived from the hill and upland areas to be grown on root crops over the autumn and winter months.

Where to find them: Some low lying areas of Wales and England, mostly in central and eastern England where soil is far more productive and therefore mostly arable. Sheep become part of arable rotations, where fields that have grown crops for a number of years are put to grass to help improve the soil.

Information from The National Sheep Association


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We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

Mob grazing is a form of intensive managed grazing where large numbers of animals graze a small area of land for a short period of time. There is increasing interest in this system due to perceived productivity and environmental benefits. However, there is very limited research to quantify the impact of mob grazing systems, and many farmers adopting the system have been influenced by anecdotal evidence from other farmers.

There are around 4.76 million pigs kept on agricultural holdings in the UK. With the UK pork market valued at £1.44 billion in 2020 (Statista). 

The livestock industry is an integral part of the agricultural sector, encompassing various aspects of animal husbandry and production. It plays an important role in global food security and supports the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

Grass in farming is interconnected with livestock systems for their feed, in the form of grazing, haylage and silage, and is also used as 'leys' (short-term grasslands) to regenerate soil structure and quality.

National Sheep Association (NSA) is an organisation that represents the views and interests of sheep producers throughout the UK.

Innovation for Agriculture (IfA) is an independent knowledge exchange charity that aims to bridge the gap between science and practice. 

Sheep scab is an infection caused by the mite Psoroptes ovis, which spends its entire lifecycle on the sheep. Unfortunately, it can cause significant health and welfare issues within flocks as it is highly contagious. Each year, the Welsh sheep industry loses £5.86m between treatments and loss of production. It also implies serious economic and welfare losses at farm level from reduced stock growth, lower reproductive rate, wool loss and skin damage.  Tackling scab is a challenge as sources of infections are not limited to one farm. Risks of infection are either increased by the presence of scabs within neighbouring flocks or reduced if those flocks are prophylactically treated. 

An Innovative Farmers Field Lab with four sheepers farmers working with ADAS has shown that long-held fears of red clover in herbal leys affecting fertility in sheep are unfounded, with the findings that inclusion of the legume can even have a positive effect on pregnancy rates.

GrassCheckGB is a grass monitoring project involving 50 dairy, beef and sheep farms.   Growth and quality data is published weekly throughout the growing season

Animal health is integral to the sustainability, profitability, and ethical considerations of livestock farming. It involves a combination of preventative measures, good management practices, and veterinary care to ensure that animals are raised in a manner that is both economically viable and environmentally responsible while prioritizing their well-being and public health.

This Field Lab explores the impact of grazing sheep on over-winter cover crops on soil properties, crop performance and the management of livestock within an arable rotation.

Proper housing is essential for the well-being, health, and productivity of livestock, as well as for the efficient management of farm operations. The type of housing and its design can vary depending on the species of livestock, climate, and specific management goals.

Grazing livestock on large extensive grasslands can pose many problems such as difficulties in gathering, grazing management and an increased chance of theft. Some welsh sheep farmers are taking part in a project using tracking technology to help face such challenges. 

Fibre can be produced from animal and crop agricultural products.  Hemp & flax are traditionally important fibre crops in the UK.   

A group of farmers from the Powys are undertaking this project to determine the prevalence and sources of the parasite on their farms. They hope to increase their understanding of the pathways by which it is transmitted among sheep and also identify measures they can take to control and prevent the disease in sheep.

Grazing winter cereal crops - otherwise known as the golden hoof - is a method where sheep graze down cereal crops for short periods of time during tillering, providing the benefit of reducing fungicide use, removing diseased crops and increasing the soil organic matter.

NSA Scotsheep is a biennial event organised by NSA Scotland and will be the most important specialist event in the calendar for sheep producers in Scotland and North of England in 2024.

We are pleased to announce a final LEAP conference on 16 April 2024 at Lady Margaret Hall. Registration is now open.

There are only two types of treatment for sheep scab – organophosphate (OP) plunge dips (containing diazinon) and endectocides (injectable group 3-ML). 

Chaired by Peter Myles, NSA Scottish Region, join experts Matt Colston (vet), Beth Wells (Moredun) and Simon Thorp (Bracken Control Group) for an evening webinar on reducing the risks of ticks and louping ill in your flock.

At Teagasc Athenry, researchers have been investigating the use of mixed swards in pasture-based sheep production systems. The results suggest increased diversity may be beneficial for animal performance.

The livestock industry is often scrutinised for its carbon footprint even though many farmers are actively working to reduce emissions and farm in the most sustainable manner. Despite this, more can always be done. CIEL’s Net Zero & Livestock: How Farmers can reduce emissions report launched in 2022 provides sheep farmers with practical tips to help reduce emissions on-farm, which we list in the blog below:

  NSA is proud to present its inaugural Sheep Farmers’ Conference – an important addition to the biennial NSA calendar offering a packed day of high level presentations, optional workshops and networking opportunities.

It is impossible to be certain if a sheep has sheep scab without a diagnosis.

There are two main challenges for the lamb sector; the first is to maintain the production of high-quality meat and the second is to ensure sheep farming is financially viable.

Learn about the benefits of livestock in the arable rotation. See our information on forage crops, cover crops, outdoor pigs, farmyard manure and more.

Sheep scab is an acute or chronic form of allergic dermatitis caused by the faeces of sheep scab mites (Psoroptes ovis).

Four farmers, who are working with ADAS in an Innovative Farmers field lab, have found grazing ewes on herbal leys containing the legume can even have a positive effect on pregnancy rates.

This guide collates the available knowledge and numbers on forage utilisation and feeding.

The aim of this guide is to aid decision making for livestock producers who are looking to outwinter stock and what systems may best suit their farm.

 Resistance in scab mites to the injectables has been confirmed in the UK, which means we need to be increasingly careful about how we use both treatment choices.

Brassica crops such as kale, forage rape, grazing turnips, stubble turnips, swedes and new rape/kale hybrids, can provide nutritious, cost-effective feeds for beef cattle and sheep.

As the UK sheep industry has become more reliant on pastures grazed only by sheep, dependence on anthelmintics (wormers) has increased.

Lameness is a serious cost to the sheep industry.

Silvopastoral agroforestry – integrating shelterbelts, hedgerows or in-field trees with grazing livestock – can provide domestic animals with benefits, including shelter and shade, as well as supplementing their diets as tree browse or fodder.

Can we breed resilient lambs that tackle worms naturally without impacting their growth rate? Find out more from the latest on-farm trial.

Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed.

NSA Sheep Event is a biennial one-day show held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire. It is the flagship event of the National Sheep Association, complemented by a series of regional events held within a two-year calendar.

 Sheep and arable farmers lack insight into each other’s work and viewpoint on cover crop.

Get the most you can from grazed grass and silages.

Managing ewes correctly throughout the year is vital for generating the highest possible output from any sheep enterprise.

Weaning shock causes physiological stress and can cause a sudden increase in worm burden in lambs. Four farmers have teamed up with Farm Carbon Toolkit to test diverse leys and cover crops which improve the health and resilience of lamb production. This field lab will focus on testing a bespoke chicory-rich mixture for lamb weaning, with the aim of reducing the need for anthelmintics and enhancing growth rates.  The field lab is split across two counties, with two farm trials taking place in Cornwall and funded through the Community Lottery Funded Farm Net Zero project, and another two on-farm trials in Devon which are funded separately.

Dr Emma Davies: IBERS, Aberystwyth University.

The condition of soil on livestock farms directly influences the yield and quality of grass and forage crops, animal performance and profitability.

There is more data being collected on sheep farms than ever before, but we need to make sure it is being used effectively.

An online tool to help dairy, beef and sheep producers monitor and compare medicine use and tackle the threat of antimicrobial resistance.

Forage first sheep systems seek to optimise lamb production from pasture to minimise costs.

Buying a standing crop of beans and producing 21% protein forage has helped sheep and beef producer, Steven Smith, improve profitability on his Northumberland farm.

Nutrient management can often be forgotten on beef and sheep farms, yet there is considerable scope to reduce costs and improve output through the use of home-produced and bought-in nutrients.

Find out how the five-point plan can help to reduce the number of new clinical cases of lameness.  

This booklet provides an accurate, easy-to-use reference guide on all available anti-parasitic products in their various chemical groups and summarises the parasites they have been licensed to control.  

This recording from the Oxford Real Farming Conference is of a discussion between farmers involved in the Innovative Farmers Bale grazing project.

The forecast predicts the hatch date for nematodirus based on temperature data from 140 weather stations throughout the UK and should be used in combination with your grazing history (more below) to assess the risk of nematodirus infection in your lambs.

As ewes approach lambing, their requirement for protein increases by almost 50%.

Six Pasture for Life member farms have come together in an Innovative Farmers Field Lab to undertake a four year study to explore the impacts of bale grazing on soil and forage.

The way for sheep producers to maximise returns is to produce and sell the type of sheep buyers really want and are willing to pay for.

This manual aims to help you understand the issues that could improve your breeding ewes, and the overall financial performance of your sheep system.

Specifically designed for beef and sheep enterprises, this cash flow spreadsheet will help you quickly see when money is coming into and out of your business and where it’s coming from and going to.

Livestock populations provide people with a variety of products and services, including meat, milk, eggs, fibre and draught power, in a wide range of environments. This diversity of function is only possible because of the diversity of their genetic make-up.

A manual for consultants, vets and producers. 

With increasingly tight financial margins in beef and sheep production , minimising the losses of saleable meat and offal is important for the whole supply chain. 

Improving animal performance and reducing physical losses are key to ensuring sheep farming is profitable.

Diseases in sheep and cattle have made the headlines many times over the last few years.

At this event, we (AHDB) will introduce the value of genomics (the study of genes) and explain how important it is for future ram breeding decisions. We will help you to understand how to use performance traits to benefit your pedigree flock or your commercial lamb enterprise.

In partnership with The Andersons Centre, AHDB have published an update to The Characteristics of Top-Performing Farms in the UK, a piece of work which remains popular with farmers.

As part of Countryside COP, NSA hosted a webinar on Wednesday 22nd November at 7pm to talk about the use of genetics to tackle methane emissions on sheep farms.

NSA considers what makes a successful lambing, how to mitigate risk and what to do if things start to go wrong. 

The ability of an animal to be resilient to diseases is dependent upon several factors which include; immune status, husbandry practises, vaccination, genetics among others.

This manual gives advice to producers on buying a recorded ram.  

Signet Breeding Services is run by the AHDB and their website contains lots of useful information and resources around genetics and breeding for beef and sheep herds.

Join us to hear from a panel of experts who will provide an update on bluetongue and the current BTV-3 strain that has been confirmed in cases in cows and sheep in Kent and Norfolk.

During this webinar, experts from the four nations and the continent will discuss the latest updates regarding bluetongue virus.

Learn about progress with the development of a new BTV-3 vaccine with veterinary vaccine consultant Professor Andy Peters and AHDB's Head of Animal Health and Welfare, Dr Mandy Nevel.

The event will be hosted by FNZ Monitor Farmers, Matt and Pip Smith. The day will cover a range of topics to increase the profitability and environmental sustainability of sheep production.

Scientists based at Rothamsted Research have found a clear link between the weight of lambs early in their life and subsequent meat quality – which is good news for consumers, farmers, and the environment.

Sheep Breeders Round Table (SBRT) is a biennial technical conference for sheep breeders, farmers, academics, consultants and industry representatives. This year’s theme will be ‘Breeding sheep for a greener future’ and the event takes place 15–17 November 2024.

Forage crops can be fed to ruminants in periods where there are forage gaps and therefore extend the grazing season and reduce reliance on supplementary feeds.

A trial site in Suffolk investigated a range of management techniques, including time of sowing f

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