Glossary of terms around Net Zero brought together with plain English definitions in a Farmers Weekly article supported by AHDB and Trinity AgTech  
WWF Report front cover
In the UK an estimated 3.3 million tonnes of food are wasted before making it off farm. Farmers face numerous barriers to accurately tracking and reducing on-farm food waste. In response to this…
Front cover of Guide
AHDB Guide from 2021 incorporating WRAG guidelines. Weed control is vital for high yields of good-quality crops and to prevent the spread of pests and diseases, e.g. ergot. Yet with fewer active…
Front cover of Guide
AHDB Guide published in 2018.
Front cover of the Encyclopedia
Guide published by BASF and AHDB, written with ADAS & Rothamsted, providing a complete reference book for cereal diseases. 
CPM website
Series of articles in CPM reporting results from research projects by AHDB & others
National Food Strategy
Henry Dimbleby's National Food Strategy, reported in July 2021
AHDB Arable Soil Guide
Guidance from AHDB to help adapt arable cultivations on a rotational basis Download the Guide, watch videos and use the tools.
Preview of Healthy Grassland Soils guide
Guidance from AHDB GREATSoils giving four easy-to-follow steps for assessing soil structure.