Resource Cover
The BroilerNet project involves a bottom-up approach to identify challenges and innovation needs for broiler farmers in Europe, and to collect promising and already successfully implemented Good…
Thumbnail for the webinar
This webinar considers the opportunities and technologies available for breeding new varieties of vegetables in the future.
4 tramline field trial
Comprehensive nutritional programme based on tissue analysis. Four tramlines to receive a small amount of Amide N to in an attempt to prolong flowering, boost pod development and seed size.
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Graph of bean growth stages through time
The bean YEN (Yield Enhancement Network) was started in 2019 as a partnership between ADAS and PGRO, and a group of enthusiastic growers and the support of sponsors including key developmental…
Resource Cover
The traditional cultivation of maize is accompanied by numerous mechanical cultivations and the application of herbicides.
Learn about organic fruit production with this podcast
Trial plan
At Woodend Farm, we are conducting an innovative trial focused on over-sowing white clover into spring and winter beans and spring oats using the Skippy Scout drone. The objective is to establish an…
Chickens among fruit trees
Trees – what role could they play in helping reduce emissions in our food system? Prof Heiko Balzter (University of Leicester) and one our Champions last year, has synthesised research on…