This RASE infographic describes how 'the farm of the future' can implement low and zero carbon energy strategies on-farm.
This RASE Infographic describes how you can effectively manage soils to decarbonise and improve biodiversity on your farm. 
This RASE Infographic describes strategies involving farm vehicles and machinery that can help contribute towards a net zero strategy.
Cows Grazing at Sunset
This paper aims to summarize the evidence base concerning carbon storage in pasture land used for livestock production.
Webinar thumbnail of speakers names and an earthworm
Dr Jackie Stroud (Warwick Crop Centre, School of Life Sciences) and colleagues from Baker Consultants talk about their recent work 'listening for earthworms'.
Webinar thumbnail showing the title and image from the IPM decisions platform
Dr Mark Ramsden (ADAS) talks about the EU IPM Decisions and IPMWORKS projects, which together are supporting reduction of pesticide use across Europe
With increasing pressures on farmers to reduce Campylobacter on broiler chickens arriving at processing plants, improving cleaning procedures during turnaround can prove to be a vital step in…
This report aims to provide new insights into the economic contribution that the Scottish potato sector makes beyond the often cited farmgate value of potato production.
The multi-year trial, monitored by PGRO, will be evaluating a few aspects of including legumes in a standard crop rotation. Objectives: To evaluate how to maximise the output of legumes in a crop…
Resource Cover
Because variables such as temperature and humidity have a profound effect on the activity of crop pests, diseases and natural enemies, the ability to monitor environmental conditions within a crop…