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A set of principles to support the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that emphasize adaptive management, stakeholder involvement, and multiple objectives
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About 57 percent of the soybeans imported by the UK for animal feed comes from Brazil.
Lupins have long been promoted as a quality protein for ruminants and so they are proving for one Derbyshire dairy farm.
Legume crop
The search for a catch crop to fill the gap between lifting carrots in late spring and drilling winter  wheat, led Charlie Davison to a 19% protein baled haylage from a quick-growing legume.
Farmers and researchers
Trials conducted back in 2015 and 2016 explored a range of opportunities for boosting the protein content of the wholecrop cereal silage the Flemings have always grown to provide extra winter fodder…
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Indirect causal links between soy and deforestation may exist that need further exploration. 
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As part of the NCS project, McArthur Agriculture have started to carry out trials in dehulling and roasting beans to start testing for different outcomes.
The Gasmet portable soil gas analyser used by the Allerton Project
Our PulsePEP trial will evaluate the novel method of bi-cropping spring peas, spring oats and spring beans in a rotation, looking at the impact on available nitrogen (N) in the following crop.  It…
Biostimulants soil test
Worth billions of dollars annually and continuing to expand, the global biostimulants market offers potential for growers. AHDB Environment Scientist Joanna McBurnie explores the product types,…