Green Finance Institute
For Assessing Nature Market Opportunities
Species rich grassland
UK grasslands are an essential cog in ecosystem function. They lock in vast amounts of carbon, accounting for one-third of the earth’s carbon storage and two billion tonnes of carbon in UK grassland…
A fact sheet on the potential use of grass press cake as a fodder source for dairy cows.
The BOFIN Buzz Logo
Join us in this special episode where we are joined by Lucy Cottingham from Agrii.
Inside the Pod logo
n this episode, Ben Pike speaks to Tom Allen-Stevens, the founder of BOFIN, about the latest updates of the NCS Project. Ben also speaks to one of the project's Pulse Pioneers, Will Oliver, about his…
Article Cover
A review of legume phytochemicals as drivers of ‘One Health’ via their influence on the functional diversity of soil- and gut-microbes.
Agroforestry Innovation Leaflets
Because successful and sustainable agroforestry practices are best developed by farmers and land owners working in partnership with researchers, extension staff, and other rural businesses, AGFORWARD…
Agroforestry Best Practice Leaflets
Based on substantial field experience, Philippe Van Lerberghe with colleagues from the French Agroforestry Association, the World Agroforestry Centre and the other AGFORWARD partners has created 10 "…
Covered, treated manure
In this Field Lab two farmers in Scotland have teamed up with soil expert, Audrey Litterick, Earthcare Technical, to see if there are practical benefits to using bokashi – treating manure with…
Guide Cover
The Guidebook to farmland biodiversity indicators which results of the EU FP7 research project “BioBio - Biodiversity indicators for organic and low-input farming systems”